
Arguably the epicenter of the Institute of Archaeology, the Archaeology Library is a core pillar of Institute and Departmental research. Established in 1968 as an essential tool of the Institute. The first Head Librarian, Gabriella Bechi, stated to build a collection with emphasis on materials for archaeology and ancient near eastern cultures and languages. This was possible as the Archaeology Library developed relationships with other institutes around Israel and the world, establishing a ‘book-exchange’ between academic institutions.
To support learning, teaching and research, the library’s main role is to serve as an information and resource center for its users. The library houses around ten thousand printed books and more than 150 printed periodicals, and even more journals are available in electronic forms
The collection focus is the archaeology of Israel, the Middle East, and the great ancient civilization of Egypt, Mesopotamia and Anatolia; ranging in time from prehistory, through biblical, Greek, Roman, Islamic and Crusader archaeology and more. The collection also contains materials concerning the greater archaeology practice, theories and methods, archaeological sciences and supporting subjects, reference books, maps, plans and more.
As a part of the greater-network of libraries on the Tel-Aviv University campus, the library physical and electronic resources are cataloged online and are searchable and accessible via DATA.
Library Director:
Dana Ackerfeld ackerfeld@tauex.tau.ac.il​
Acting Library Director:
Inbar Meyerson meyerson@tauex.tau.ac.il
Student Librarians:
Daniel Kleiman
Noga Rapaport
Shaul Beirach
Ori Winter
Noga Geier